For families of individuals with special needs
Federation launched the Ahava program in 2016 to assist families raising children with special needs. The program expanded in 2018 to include adults with special needs. The goal of the program is to support, enhance, and positively impact the lives of individuals with special needs and their families. Through Ahava, Federation awards annual scholarships up to $1,500 per individual to fund therapies, equipment, and continuing education.
Download the Ahava Scholarship application: click here.
Download the Annual Ahava Scholarship request form: click here.
Download the Ahava Fund request form: click here.
Print and complete the three above forms and mail or fax them to:
The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo
c/o Ben Malczewski
Vice President Senior, Family and Social Services
6505 Sylvania Ave.
Sylvania, OH 43560
Phone: 419-724-0408
Fax: 419-724-0413
For more information about Ahava, please contact Ben Malczewski at or 419-724-0408.
Ahava Privacy Policy
Privacy is important to us. Please do not provide or allow others to provide personal information about anyone unless you, on your own behalf and on behalf of anyone whose information you provide, are authorized to do so. Submission of personal information constitutes an agreement to this Privacy Policy.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo (JFGT) respects the right of privacy of you and the Applicant. The information received by JFGT will be used solely in connection with the Ahava scholarship application. We will not sell your or the Applicant’s email address to anyone or share your or the Applicant’s personal information with anyone other than the JFGT Ahava scholarship committee.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the JFGT from and against any and all losses, damage, liability and cost of every nature arising out of or related to any alleged breach or breach by you of these terms. You agree to cooperate fully in the defense of any of the foregoing.
We agree to use commercially reasonable safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of information you provide. However, we do not guarantee the security of personal information or other information provided by you.
To the full extent allowed by law, you agree that the JFGT will not be liable to you or anyone else for any special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, damages for lost profits, for loss of privacy or security, for the loss of reputation, for failure to meet any duty (including but not limited to the duty of good faith or lack of negligence or of workmanlike effort), or for any other similar damages whatsoever that arise out of or are related to any aspect of the application and information disclosed.
From time to time the JFGT may amend the Privacy and Terms of Use Policy; all amendments shall be effective immediately on posting to the JFGT Ahava scholarship webpage.