
Read about what’s happening in Toledo's Jewish community and in others around the world. Be inspired by stories of Tzedakah (justice, charity, and righteousness), Tikkun Olam (restoring the world), and Gemulit Chassadim (acts of loving kindness). Find out how you can help Jews at home and abroad.

Federations and Philanthropy News Update, September 18, 2015

A New York attorney takes the lead in distributing philanthropic funds from a major Israeli charitable trust.


Meanwhile, Federations are highlighted in New York, Chicago, Washi…

New FedWeb Israel & overseas content stream

Impact stories from Federations' overseas work are now available through a new content stream that helps FedWeb users easily share snapshots of Jewish lives changed in more than 70 countries. Follow these directions to add the stream to your FedWeb site, and email us with any questions.

Customized program for the 2015 GA

Customized programs are now available for the 2015 GA. Whether you're a planner or campaigner, executive or young leader, find the GA experience that's right for you and your Federation peers. Register now.

Federations and Philanthropy News Update, September 16, 2015

Paul Goldenberg, director of the Federation-funded Secure Community Network, warns that the Jewish community must work with law enforcement to better educate and train ourselves on security threats. Rabbi Daniel Allen, senior vice president of JFNA, writes that we all must make our voices he…

Second cohort of volunteers begins work with survivors

Federation-supported Association of Jewish Family and Children's agencies welcomed its second cohort of AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers working in communities with large Holocaust survivor populations. Backed by the White House, this groundbreaking program is part of Federations’ National Holo…