Welcome to Jewish Toledo (WtJT)


Your one-stop shop for all things Jewish in the greater Toledo area


Welcome to Jewish Toledo, a collaborative, vibrant, and engaged Jewish community where you can find an outstanding Jewish preschool, scholarships to Jewish teens for summer camp, security for our Jewish institutions, and fun programs for the whole family. From synagogues to senior services and everything in-between, Jewish Toledo is here to help you and your family flourish.

  • New to town, or know someone who is?

    Shalom! We send gift bags with materials outlining our community’s programs, services, and upcoming events, as well as resources for schools, synagogues, and social activities in Jewish Toledo to every new resident. Our welcome bag gives those new to Toledo everything they need to feel at home. Contact Marnie Younker at 419-724-0365 or marnie@jewishtoledo.org for a Shalom Toledo bag.

  • New baby on board?

    Mazel tov! We want to welcome your new arrival to Jewish Toledo with some goodies for baby and lots of fun surprises for parents, too, including resources for and information about the many great offerings our community has for young families. If you or someone you know has had a new addition to the family in the past 18 months, contact Marnie Younker at 419-724-0365 or marnie@jewishtoledo.org.

For more information, contact
Marnie Younker at 419-724-0365 or marnie@jewishtoledo.org.


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