
12 2024

Chabad Caffeine for the Soul

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

Event/program Date


Event/program Time

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Event/program cost (please type FREE if there is no cost)


Event/program description (if no description is included, default text will state "contact event sponsor for more information")

Discussions, refreshments and Torah insights with Rabbi Dov Fridman

RSVP contact information and deadline to register

RSVP not necessary, but appreciated: lennycares@chabadtoledo.com or 917-742-9803

Contact for community questions about the event/program

Contact Rabbi Fridman at lennycares@chabadtoledo.com or mobile: (917) 742-9803.

Additional information (e.g. event/program sponsors, etc.)

At “Lenny Cares,” established in memory of Lenny Rosenberg, every Jew is relevant and plays a leading role in shaping Toledo’s Jewish life. From leadership and volunteer opportunities, to unifying events, emotional support, and individualized connection, Lenny Cares aims to empower, engage, and connect all Jewish adults and seniors.