
19 2024

Chabad Lenny Cares Tea with Rivka February

10:30AM - 12:00PM  


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Tea, Friends and Torah conversation with Rivka Fridman

RSVP not necessary, but appreciated: lennycares@chabadtoledo.com or 917-742-9803

Contact Rabbi Fridman and Rivka at lennycares@chabadtoledo.com or mobile: (917) 742-9803

At “Lenny Cares,” established in memory of Lenny Rosenberg, every Jew is relevant and plays a leading role in shaping Toledo’s Jewish life. From leadership and volunteer opportunities, to unifying events, emotional support, and individualized connection, Lenny Cares aims to empower, engage, and connect all Jewish adults and seniors.