
24 2024

NJG Thrifting 101 with Next Jewish Generation

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

House of Dow 1501 Adams St.
Toledo, OH 43604

Saturday, February 24
7 p.m.
House of Dow, 1501 Adams St.
$25 per person - includes private shopping event, Just Toledo gift, gift card, snacks, and sips


Explore the House of Dow with NJG… We'll shop the store's curated vintage clothing and accessories, get styled by one of their stylists, and learn about fast fashion and how to fight it.

RSVP by Friday, February 16 to form.jotform.com/jewishtoledo/njg2024 or contact Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0351 or sherry@jewishtoledo.org.

Questions? Contact Marnie Younker at 419-724-0365 or marnie@jewishtoledo.org