Project Mensch-IFY: Cards of Caring
Step aside, social media. Handwritten notes are having a moment to brighten the day for seniors, the immunocompromised, and others in isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. Just because we’re social distancing doesn’t mean we need to practice emotional distancing, too. In fact, it’s more important than ever to be connected.
Help us show the older adults in our community that we care by writing them a letter or drawing them a card that will help lift up their spirits.
Two easy ways to be involved:
Type or handwrite a general greeting or letter to include in the cards sent by Jewish Family Service.
Create a picture or drawing to include in the cards sent by Jewish Family Service.
Submissions can be sent by email to: or hard-copy letters and drawing can be sent by mail to Jewish Family Service at:
Attn: McKenzie Pittman
Jewish Family Service of Toledo
6505 Sylvania Avenue
Sylvania, Ohio 43650
Contact: McKenzie Pittman 419-724-0407
Sponsor: Project MenschIFY is a partnership of Jewish Family Service and Toledo Jewish Community Foundation