
17 2023

Seniors: Bus Trip to Ohio Amish Country

7:45AM - 8:00PM  

Thursday, August 17
Bus leaves – 7:45 a.m.
Bus returns – 8 p.m.
Park in the JCC/YMCA parking lot

$35 per person – includes lunch and transportation; minimum campaign gift is required.

Summer adventure awaits us as we take a bus ride to Ohio Amish Country in the central part of the state with stops at Hershberger’s Farm & Bakery followed by a guided bus tour of Amish Country, plus stops at Walnut Creek Cheese (for a box lunch and ice cream), Hillcrest Orchard, and the Walnut Creek Flea Market.


This event will include some steps and walking.


RSVP required by Wednesday, August 8 to or Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0351 or

This event is intended for adults 60 and Better who support the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo’s Annual Campaign. A meaningful gift to the campaign is required to attend. Make your contribution today by contacting Wendy Goldstein at 419-724-0362 or or by visiting: