The Toledo JCRC represents the Greater Toledo Jewish community, Israel and Jews to the general community; establishes collaborative relationships with other ethnic, racial, civic and religious groups; promotes the interests of Jewish organizations and other agencies through government relations at the federal, state and local levels and the media; and educates and advocates on important issues, seeking consensus with a commitment to Jewish values.



The Jewish Community Relations Council should be:

  • Highly sought out and respected by Jews and non-Jews in Greater Toledo
  • Highly involved in issues affecting the Jewish community, Greater Toledo, and Israel
  • A council known for fairness and impartiality, concern for social justice and Jewish values


JCRC will undertake strategies that:

  • Act consistently with our mission and values
  • Create and demonstrate the value of our organization
  • Expand JCRC’s constituent population
  • Yield sustainable results
  • Meet criteria related to our organization’s geographic scope
  • Demonstrate measurable outcomes
  • Amplify the voice of the Jewish community to the rest of the community
  • Reinforce the community’s favorable view of us
  • Support the Jewish community of Greater Toledo



The following values provide the foundation for JCRC's vision and inform the manner in which we fulfill our mission:


For more information about JCRC or
if you have a question, please email
Mary Bilyeu at
mary@jewishtoledo.org or call