
7 2022

JCRC Equality Seder with Equality Toledo

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Handmade Toledo 1717 Adams St.
Toledo, OH 43604

Equality Seder

Thursday, April 7 from 7:00-9:00 pm at Handmade Toledo


A time to celebrate, reflect, and come together

Join Equality Toledo and the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo’s Jewish Community Relations Council for an evening celebrating our collective liberation. The Passover seder retells the story of the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. This Equality Seder will follow the customs and order of a traditional Passover seder and will focus on chronicling our collective liberation as LGBTQ+ people, as Jews, as LGBTQ+ Jews, and others. We come together to commemorate our emancipation from oppression, to celebrate the freedoms that have been achieved, and to explore freedoms not yet gained, remembering that none of us are free until all of us are free. This event is free and open to all, regardless of faith, sexual orientation and gender identity. Light vegetarian snacks and drinks will be served. RSVP required; please RSVP by Monday, April 4 at the following link or by emailing daniel@jewishtoledo.org: https://form.jotform.com/jewishtoledo/equality-seder.


There will be people at this event who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19. Please help us protect them. We ask those who are unvaccinated to wear a mask at this event. Those who have received their COVID-19 vaccines and booster are encouraged but not required to wear a mask.


Questions? Contact Daniel Pearlman: daniel@jewishtoledo.org / 419-724-0315.