
28 2018

JLC - Sight Center of Northwest Ohio presentation

1:00PM - 2:30PM  

Jewish Living Center 6505 Sylvania Avenue
Sylvania, OH

Contact Emily Harel

February 28

1 – 2:30 p.m.

The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio –Everything You Should Know and More

Registration required by Monday, February 26.

Presentation offered by Dani Moran, Program Director at The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio. The Sight Center is motivated by their mission to empower independence and enrich the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. It offers a unique blend of programs and services that can help people of all ages with permanent vision loss work, learn, play, and live independently. Typical services include Low Vision Rehabilitation, Adapted Daily Living Skills Therapy, Orientation and Mobility Training, and Assistive Technology Instruction. The Sight Center can provide resource information related to vision loss and access to funding for the services that are not covered by traditional health insurance. The Shop at The Sight Center features a variety of tools such as talking watches and clocks, talking calculators and templates to maintain finances independently, magnifiers, Closed Circuit Television systems, lighting, kitchen aids, recreational products, and much more. Also featured in The Shop are the latest in wearable devices for a portable solution to near, intermediate, and far distance objects or Optical Character Recognition (OCR) devices.