
6 2023

Senior Tu B’Shevat Tasting

1:00PM - 2:00PM  

Senior Tu B’Shevat Tasting

Monday, February 6
1 -2 p.m.
Sekach Building – 6505 Sylvania Ave.


Tu B’Shevat is the new year of the trees. In Israel, it is celebrated as an ecological awareness day where trees are planted and people enjoy a seder of the seven species of the land: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. Come socialize with friends and taste the many flavors of Tu B’Shevat.


RSVP by Wednesday, February 1 to Sherry Majewski at sherry@jewishtoledo.org or 419-724-0351. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.