Women's Philanthropy

We Are. We Can. We Do.


We are women from all walks of life and backgrounds who come together in common purpose. We can make a positive difference in the world. We do just that through our acts of chesed – kindness – which guides our philanthropic actions on behalf of others.

  • Pearl Society

    The Pearl Society is a national recognition society for women who give a minimum donation of $180 to Federation's Annual Campaign.

  • Pomegranate Society

    This society honors women making an individual gift of $1,800 or more to the Annual Campaign. By wearing this symbol, we are reminded of the Jewish Lives we have improved, rescued, and renewed. Even more, we are reminded of the work that has yet to be done.

  • Lion of Judah

    A woman making an annual donation to Federation reflects her capacity to give. She sustains or increases her minimum gift of $5,000. The Lions of Judah set an exemplary standard of leadership and giving.

  • Lion of Judah Endowment

    To endow her gift, a woman establishes a minimum fund of $100,000 or more during her lifetime or by putting a bequest in her will. By doing so, she joins a long honor roll of women who have elected to take this step to sustain Jewish life. A LOJE may choose to enhance her Lion of Judah pin by adding a flame, known in Hebrew as or l'atid, to recognize this eternal commitment.

Federation has many opportunities to feel a Jewish connection. This is accomplished through tzedakah, networking, events, and putting our Jewish values into our everyday life.


For more information about Women’s Philanthropy divisions or pins, please contact:


Wendy Goldstein

Women's Philanthropy and Donor Development Officer



One gift, countless benefits, sustains the miracle of Jewish life. Thank you for making a difference.