How to contribute to Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo/Toledo Jewish Community Foundation


•  Donate online at

•  Call Yi Shaw at 419-724-0371 or email her at for stock or IRA gifts

•  Text CAMPAIGN to 44321

•  Donate or pay by mail by sending your pledge cards and payments to:


Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, Attention: Julie Szyskowski,

            6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560


Please note that checks need to be post-marked by December 31, 2024 for a 2024 tax deduction.


Gift policy statement regarding donations of stock payments


Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is happy to accept donations of stock as payment for pledges made to the Annual Campaign. Stock gifts need to be received by 12 p.m. (noon) on December 30, 2024 in order to sell before the market closes. Please note the brokerage firm may charge a transaction fee up to an amount of $100.


It should be noted that our procedure is as follows for accepting stock:

Whenever a gift of stock is made, the donor receives a confirmation in writing that the gift was made on that date. Normally upon consultation with financial professionals, this is the date used when valuing the gift for IRS tax purposes.


After being notified that a gift of stock has been made, either from the donor or a stockbroker, the stock will then transfer into the Federation’s account and Federation will sell the stock. The net proceeds of the sale of stock will be applied against any outstanding pledges for the individual. The donor will be notified, in writing, what the net proceeds were.


To expedite this process, it is extremely helpful if the donor, his/her stockbroker or financial advisor notifies Federation's Department of Finance verbally or through email when a gift of stock is made. By following this procedure, the timing between the gift being made and the sale of the stock is greatly reduced.


Please contact Yi Shaw, Controller, at or 419-724-0371, for further assistance.


IRA Charitable Rollover checks


Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is also happy to be able to accept IRA Charitable Rollover contributions to the Annual Campaign. Please contact Yi Shaw at 419-724-0371 or Stephen Rothschild at 419-724-0372 if you are making provisions with your financial advisor to donate with an IRA Charitable Rollover check; this way we can ensure that the check is processed timely and that you receive the appropriate tax letter.  For further information on the eligibility to contribute using your IRA Charitable Rollover, please consult your financial advisor.


Personal credit card and check payment deadlines


Credit card payment information must be received at Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo by Noon on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, for 2024 tax purposes. As stated above, payments by check need only be postmarked December 31, 2024 for 2024 tax purposes, or you can make payments online at by midnight on December 31, 2024. Please call the accounting department before 2 p.m. at 419-724-0368 to process a credit card payment over the phone.